Meet the Team
Our fabulous members of the GAMES executive committee.
Feel free to reach out to them anytime!
Executive Board
Arturo Del Castillo Bernal
Vice President Academic
I represent the graduate membership at the department level in their academic matters. I attend various departmental and Faculty meetings and get academic updates to you. Outside of GAMES, I am a PhD student at the DECAR Lab working on developing robust algorithms for underwater navigation of UUV.
Justin Puma
Vice President Finance
As VP Finance, I am responsible for organizing, managing and overseeing the budget and all spending activities. I research high-precision 3D printing by day, and plan the financial success of graduate events by night. As an engineer, I have a great appreciation for the value of money!
Noah LeFrancois
PGSS Representative
Hi, I represent all the graduate students in the department at the PGSS meetings along with Shuaibing. I am a Masters student studying the application of non-invasive temperature and velocity measurement techniques to study coupled radiation-convection heat transfer in molten salts.
GEEC Representative
Kartik Mangalvedhe
EDI Liason
I’m a Ph.D. student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering working with Prof. Jeffrey Bergthorson. My work focuses on quantifying NOx in metal combustion using laser diagnostics. This will enable to identify the pollutant that could potentially limit the use of metals as alternative fuels for clean energy. In free time, I enjoy long bike rides on weekends.